British Canal Shareholders Website

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The purpose of this website is to provide information on the original shareholders or proprietors of Britain's canals in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. We aim to answer questions such as "Who were they ?" and "Why did they risk their money ?".

If we can establish the relationships and connections between them, then we can bring these characters to life.

 There is a need for such a comprehensive database because we know very little about the early promoters of canal transport and the mobilisation of capital.


Current Plan

The plan is to create a publicly available database of all British Canal Shareholders.

There were approximately 200 canal & navigation projects with an estimated average of 300 shareholders each; thus the database will consist of 60,000 entries with links to other sections within the database and to other websites.

Currently, information about canal shareholders is fragmented and not easily accessible. This information is nearly all in paper format in a variety of locations e.g. County Record Offices, Parliamentary Archives, Canal Trusts / Societies and the Waterways Trust.


The Future

Derrick Hunt has set up this site as a first step.

The aim is to be similar to Wikipedia in that we welcome contributions about canal shareholders. Biographies, portraits, photographs of their houses or other achievements are most welcome. Derrick will act as moderator until another willing volunteer comes forward. Could that be you ?